A Virtual Trial Reenactment of the “Lewd Women” (Chy Lung v. Freeman)

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Allen & Overy and AABANY SOC Present: A Virtual Trial Reenactment of the “Lewd Women” (Chy Lung v. Freeman) & Conversation with Special Guest, Congresswoman Grace Meng

Please join AABANY SOC and the Asian Affinity Network at Allen & Overy LLP for a virtual trial reenactment and discussion, in commemoration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.

After the trial reenactment (4PM–5PM), join A&O partner John Hwang as he sits down in conversation with Congresswoman Grace Meng on the anti-Asian hate crimes bill, the Covid-19 Hate Crimes Act, in the context of the issues that the Asian community continues to face with respect to anti-Asian racism, sexualization, stereotyping and profiling. Come out and cheer on your follow AABANY students, meet the Allen & Overy family, and learn about this important historical case!

Case background:
In 1874, Chy Lung along with 21 other Chinese women were detained upon arrival in California and ordered deported because they were considered undesirable aliens and “lewd and debauched women.” At that time, anti-Chinese sentiment was common and fervent in California. The statute that the state of California invoked to do so was one of several measures taken by the state to restrict Chinese immigration into the state. The 22 women lost their case in the California Supreme Court, so they brought it to Federal courts and all the way to the Supreme Court, making this the first case to appear before the U.S. Supreme Court with a Chinese litigant. This case is one of the few recorded examples in the United States of discrimination against Asians, as well as a refusal of the Asian community to comply with racist policy. In furtherance of our commitment to civic education and community engagement, we will be hosting a live virtual trial reenactment of the case of these 22 “lewd” women.

Trial reenactment: 4:00 -­ 5:00 PM EST
Conversation with Special Guest, Congresswoman Grace Meng:
5:00 -­ 5:45 PM EST

CLE credits: Each attendee will receive 2.0 credits in Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias

The Asian American Bar Association of New York is certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider. This program has been approved in accordance with the requirements of the CLE Board for a maximum of 2 credit hours, in which 2 credit hours will be applied toward the Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias requirement. Only non­-transitional New York attorneys receive Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias credit.

If you have any questions in relation to this event, please contact [email protected][email protected] or [email protected]